Hate online
Responding to Hate Online
Hate speech content on the internet must not be left unresponded. If you receive a hate message or came across such content on the internet:
save the e-mail or message;
save the sender’s username or e-mail address;
save the full address of the web-page;
take a screenshot of the hate material.
Online hate content may be reported to:
administration of the web-page;
internet service provider;
non-governmental organization
Reporting to Administration of a Webpage

If a Facebook post contains hate:
Click on the upper right corner of the post
Click ‘Report post’,
Choose an option which best describes the issue and follow the instructions
If hate is spread in the form of a photo or a video:
Click on the content to enlarge it,
Click ‘Options’ on the lower right corner of the content,
Click ‘Give feedback or report photo’,
Chose ‘Hate Speech’ and then ‘Send’
If you receive a hate message in Facebook Messenger, fill out this form:
Write in the name of the sender
If you have a screenshot of the conversation, uploaded or copy the conversation and paste it in the relevant box;
Choose the option which best describes the issue;
Describe the incident in your own words and send the form.
If hate is spread by a Facebook group:
First click on the cover photo and then “Give feedback or report this page”,
Click ‘Hate Speech’ and ‘Send’
If a user leaves a hate comment on your post:
Hover over the comment you want to report and click
Select “Give feedback or report this comment” აირჩიეთ,
click hate speech and send the report
To report a hate video on Youtube:
Sign into to your account
Click ‘More’ or below the video
Choose ‘Report’.
Click ‘Hateful or abusive content’,
Select the section of the video with a hate content, describe the issue if you can and send the report
Too report a hate comment on the video:
Hover over the comment and click
Click ‘Report’
Select hate speech and send the report
Reporting to Internet Service Provider
If you inform an internet service provider that their server is used to spread hate content, there is a chance that the company will remove the reported content. To determine a host of a web-page use http://whois.domaintools.com and www.easywhois.com.