At first glance, the screenshot does not provide anything substantial as the mist makes it difficult to see the background and identify other details; However, by looking at it closely and attentively we may find out that the screenshot provides enough information to identify an exact location of video filming.
Step 1: Observe details closely.
N1: Section of the banner, showing the letter “t”, might denote the name of the company.
N2: A board probably showing weather or price
Characteristics of the location:
N3: Poles
N4: Position of lighting
Look at the objects pointed out by arrows. The entirety of characteristics of the location, shown on the screenshot - cars, form of object, poles, lighting, the shapes of the banner on the pole and the board of weather– prompt that the video must be filmed at a gas station.
Step 2: With the Google search engine find gas stations in Childress.
From among the gas stations shown on the above image the first gas station - Pilot Travel Center, is interesting for us as the company’s name, Pilot, ends in “t”, i.e. the letter that is seen on the banner in the screenshot.
Step 3: Identify accurate address of Pilot Travel Center and its location on the map.
From the companies suggested by Google (the above photo) click Pilot. Google will provide information about the company, its exact location on the map and panoramic photo, if any. After clicking the panoramic photo, Google will open Street View and you will not have to use a yellow man.
Step 4: Explore Pilot’s gas station by means of Street View. Try to find a filming angle of the video in question. Find those characteristics which you marked in the first shot.
The photo above shows those characteristics and they convince us that the initial video was filmed exactly in that place.