CASE STUDY 3: Authentic photo which does not correspond to the description of the event

On June 11, 2017, published and address published by the leader of the “Georgian Troupe” in the social network, saying that the Orthodox Church was actively persecuted, devastated and robbed by schismatics, with clerics being physically abused/humiliated and already 40 churches being robbed. Jondi Baghaturia’s address was also published by Georgia and World, while on June 12, Sputnik Georgia wrote about a protest manifestation in front of the Ukrainian Embassy, with the title of the article taking the persecution of the Orthodox people in Ukraine as a fact (“Persecution of Orthodox People was Protested in Tbilisi”).

The photo is of manipulative nature, as it pictures the explosion that took place in an Orthodox church in Zaporozhye, Ukraine on July 28, 2010, not any kind of raid of the Orthodox church.

On July 2010, there was an explosion in a church in Zaporozhye which killed one and injured eight people. Then President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich, took the investigation of the case on his personal control. In the course of one week since the launch of the investigation, Ukrainian police arrested three accused individuals, two of them were altar boys. The convicted spent four years in prison and were released after the 2014 amnesty. used the identical photo in a publication of May 26, 2017, which claimed that the photos were showing the fact of raids on an Orthodox church in Volyn region. A Russian online portal, on April 9, 2017, disseminated news about the terrorist attack in Egypt and used the photo of Zaporozhye to describe the damage of the interior façade of the church.